It has been said many times before, that pure advocacy for “free speech,” is simply bad rhetoric. The specific people advocating for mass censorship of us online and in person, also use lies to start wars, such as “Saddam Hussein has WMD’s”. That is to say, they use lies to achieve mass murder. Mass murder of both innocent civilians in the Middle East, as well as thousands of our soldiers.
So-called journalists are allowed to perpetuate mass fraud against the public for political gain, and there is no law against this. And yet these very same people, such as David Frum above, blather on constantly about “disinformation,” which is to say, information that does not service their malicious political goals. Goals that are not limited to using lies to achieve the mass murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent Goyim in the middle east, but may also include covering up for organized crime (“Epstein killed himself), shilling for multinational corporations (“No evidence Ivermectin works”), etcetera.
In the same vein we had numerous propaganda outlets knowingly lie about there being secret mass graves at Residential Schools. They they intentionally mislead by saying “unmarked graves,” when “the wooden grave markers rotted away,” would be more accurate. Then they intentionally mislead by saying that, while no children were murdered, the tuberculosis rates were higher than the general population, intentionally ignoring that the relevant population would be aboriginals not in all expenses paid boarding schools. Then they lied about “children being ripped from their parents,” by pretending this was anything other than a tiny minority of schoolchildren, or that foster care doesn’t continue to this day. Then they finally coped by claiming that “Cultural Genocide,” whatever that means, is equivalent to actual genocide.
Even if we ignore that “cultural genocide,” is probably a term that applies far more accurately to the destruction of churches, tearing down of White Statues, theft of taxpayer dollars, and cancelling of Canada Day, more than it applies to all expenses paid bording schools that the aboriginals themselves demanded, there is a pattern you will notice with these disinformation campaigns, where they start with some inflammatory bullshit, and proceed to walkback from there. What started with children being murdered and dumped in mass graves turns into “well children getting taught how to read and write and do trigonometry is basically genocide.”
But these are lies used to achieve the burnings of churches, and other anti-Christian/White/Canadian activities that we saw this past summer. In the same way that “Saddam Hussein has WMD’s” is a lie used to achieve the murder of 800,000 civilians, and about 7,500 of our soldiers, and 176 Canadians specifically. Ultimately, the claim that children weren’t raised precisely in accordance to whatever Aboriginal traditions is a complete non-sequitur after starting with “mass graves genocide.” In the same way “We’re just here to spread democracy and nation building, and blah blah,” is a total non-sequitur after starting with “Saddam has WMD’s, you might get nuked, better invade.” Such post hoc justifications show the malice and forethought behind these lies.
It is amazing how utterly evil our privileged class truly is. To, with one corner of their mouths, lie us into wars, and with the other, demand that we be more censored because we’re “causing harm.” Here is a quote from current Attorney General David Lametti.
“Hate speech directly contradicts the values underlying freedom of expression and our Charter of Rights. It threatens the safety and well-being of its targets. It silences and intimidates, especially when the target is a vulnerable person or community. When hate speech spreads, its victims lose their freedom to participate in civil society online.”
CTRL + F “war” == no results.
We will enact far harsher penalties for the propagandists who knowingly lie for political gain. We will make it illegal to use lies to achieve mass murder. We will make it illegal to use lies to achieve the burnings of churches. And we will make examples of these people.
In the meantime, we will have our own news organization running, so you don’t need to deal with the Epstein Killed Himself Liars in a vain attempt to sift through the lies for nuggets of truths.