Our Mission

The crucial issue of today is that your voice is not being heard. Despite theoretically living in a democracy, defined as the rule of the people, people have never before felt less represented by our so-called representatives. Against the will of the people we have had a bizarre and malicious social experimentation shoved down our throats, best exemplified with child trannies.

We have a steadily evaporating middle class. We have mass censorship by trillion dollar tech conglomerates. We have no censorship of the propagandists who have lied us into wars, and in fact they are the loudest censorship advocates. We have a state propaganda outlet in the CBC that refuses to capitalize the W in White People, while doing this for Black, Asian, etcetera people. We have almost 70 churches arsoned, defaced, or desecrated because of a hoax about child mass graves and not a single anti-Christian hate crime conviction or even charge.

We could go for days with just David Frum.

A 2014 study by Princeton University, more specifically by academics Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page decided to test how often average everyday decent people got the policies that they wanted, versus what was deemed “economic elites.” While we could quibble about the exact size of some corporate lobby group, or the precise net worth cutoff, we are talking about the Mark Zuckerberg’s of the world.

What they found was that the preferences of the peasants could only predict 7% of government policy, as opposed to 78% from the Michael Bloombergs. In fact, this was misleading, since occasionally the interests of the two groups converge, and when factoring this, the interests of the common man was negatively correlated with government policy.

It can feel like existing politicians only listen to their big money donors. It can feel that way, because it is that way.

When factoring out policies agreed on by everyone, the correlation on the left turns negative.

Here in Canada, we recently had a federal election where all the political parties appeared to agree on… everything. And more than simply agreeing on the artificially bound discussion, they blabbered on about things nobody cares about. While your eyes may have been glazing over as they blabberd about whose handlers came up with the best policy to pretend to fight against Global Warming, a fake, reheated issue from the mid aughts, you could be forgiven for forgetting that Canada was turned into the church burning capitol of the world this summer.

We had at least 70 churches be arsoned, vandalized, or otherwise desecrated, many multiple times, because of a transparently fake hoax about mass graves at residential schools. A slander so absurd that it would be comical were it not used to achieve the burning of churches, the tearing down of statues, the theft of billions of your tax dollars in “reparations,” and the cancelling of our national holiday.

Pictured: Not worth a mention at the Canada Federal Debates.

It is once again absurd to the point of comedy that Canada being turned into the church burning capitol of the world because of a government created slander about “cultural genocide,” a fake, made up term that translates into “not real genocide,” wouldn’t be so much as mentioned in the entirety of an almost three hour long debate. But then again, even the Conservative Party of Canada’s chosen puppet doesn’t bring up the issue of provincial governments giving children as young as thirteen sterilizing hormones, diagnosing orphaned children in the foster care program as young as two years old as trannies, doing double mastectomies on girls as young as sixteen, and telling children to fake suicides so as to bully doctors and school admins into doing what these malicious perverts want.

We also have a supposedly “far left” party in the NDP, which put a foreign policy minister in place through the coalition with the Liberals, that supports the removal of the democratically elected socialist Maduro government of Venezuela. And which supports mass censorship by trillion dollar corporations, even, or perhaps especially, if those censored are fact checking now debunked war propaganda, such as the idiotic Bashar Al’Assad gas baby slander.

You might think that the Liberals/NDP/Greens are missing their anti-capitalist and anti-war opportunity. After all, one of the fastest ways to get censored by twitter, facebook, or YouTube is to fact-check absurd war propaganda. YouTube even had an official policy in 2017 where anyone didn’t believe the now debunked Assad Gas Baby Hoax, mentioned earlier, was labeled a “conspiracy theorist,” and automatically censored.

And yet, Kosher-Leftists love this, because ultimately their job is simply to suck up the energy in the room when it comes to “fuck Mark Zuckberg,” or “fuck these lying war propagandists,” and make absolutely damn sure that you never get any real, tangible policy. “Anti-capitalists,” spend their time colluding with Mark Zuckerberg types to get average everyday people censored through corporate censorship.

Reddit is a bizarre, Orwellian example of the effects of mass censorship, and may well be the most censorious institution in all of human history, at least by sheer numbers of people censored. If it’s not them, it’s Google, Facebook, or Twitter. And yet, even to this day a reddit subforum called “Breadtube,” where they pretend to be against capitalism, and yet somehow, someway, these brave anti-capitalist and anti-imperial warriors never face the capitalist censorship that people who fact-check war propaganda face. Ultimately, their job is simply to make any opposition to the Zuckerbergs and Bezos’ of the world figuratively and literally gay, and designed to go nowhere. Their job is to make you lose.

And in the same way, we had a summer of church burning here in Canada, based on an anti-Christian hoax about Residential Schools being Secret Genocide Factories. Churches were burned to the ground and vandalized, statues were defaced and torn down, 3 billion taxpayer dollars were stolen and given to Aboriginal groups, and they even cancelled our national holiday, Canada Day. The Conservative Party of Canada did not so much as mention this at the debates, and tried their hardest to not acknowledge these anti-Christian attacks at all. And the same was true for the so-called “People’s Party of Canada,” a grifting organization that has still not managed to win a single seat in parliament, or really do anything at all other than fundraise.

“The real victims of church burnings are aboriginals. Let me go ahead and re-ify the false narrative of residential schools being all about ‘suffering and anguish’.”

To say nothing of long standing grievances. “White Privilege theory,” an anti-White conspiracy theory, is allowed to be taught in not just universities, but increasingly our schools. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) curriculum is also already being taught to elementary school children. In addition to the actual surgeries being performed on minors, along with permanently sterilizing hormones being given to them. What do Conservatives have to say about this, absolutely nothing.

Just like the anti-war/anti-billionaire left, the purpose of Conservatives is simply to be there, soaking up donations and energy. To ensure that, no matter how violently unpopular the privileged class’s social agenda becomes, the people remain without a voice, or representation.

All major political parties support this, except us.

First past the post democratic systems have proven themselves to be completely and utterly anti-democratic. Because people must vote strategically, existing parties merely compete against each other for who can be somewhat less hated. Success for a political party brings about viability, and no matter how unpopular, extant parties will continue to ignore the will of the people provided they can be seen as electorally viable.

It is not difficult in the slightest to have more popular policies than our existing, donor controlled parties. Opposition to child trannies and mass censorship by Google is already enough. What is needed is organization, and victories. People need to be given enough reason to start to vote for our party, in order for us to get enough momentum.

To that end, our main strategy is to contest as many local, and provincial elections as possible. Municipal elections are where mayors, school board members, and city councillors are elected. These positions are underrated in importance in and of themselves, as the kvetching about Barry Neufeld of the Chilliwack School Board has shown, along with many others. Beyond that, they serve to give our party legitimacy through past electoral success.

There are thousands of important positions up for grabs in these elections, and they are typically poorly contested. These happen more often, scattered across the country, they are more winnable seats, and our inevitable victories here legitimize the party, giving people a reason to vote for our candidates in provincial, and federal elections.

The r word is retard, which is what he called some “journalists,” who tried to attack him for opposing perverted curriculum.

Our secondary thrust of effort is through non-electoral activism. Our current leader, Timothy Coish, has shown an excellent example of this, forcing the Surrey RCMP to explain why one Kathleen Panek was not charged with hate crimes despite burning down a church, and arsoning this same church not one week prior.

In the absence of a political party, we should expect these people to happily choose power over legitimacy, since they are aware that no matter how bad the optics of whatever action they are taking looks to the general public, in this case pretending that burning down a church “doesn’t meet the standard of a hate crime” while other trivialities most definitely do, if they can be convinced that such mask off oppression will end there, they will simply tell you to go pound sand, and that will be the end of it.

Current Party Leader Timothy Coish receiving a call from Surrey RCMP PR lady Elenor Sturko. Exposing hate crime double standards is one of our main goals of non-electoral activism.

We were very inspired by the Students for Western Civilization Organization, lead by George Hutcheson, and other similar outfits. They did and still do great work. However, they ran into the limit of activism by itself, at least if you aren’t a billionaire. Ultimately, if these people know you don’t have a followup, they’ll break whatever laws or rules exist.

Instead, we use non-electoral activism to either immediately get victories, or to show people how utterly evil and corrupt our current privileged class truly is. Whether this be, as SWC above was doing, trying to get White Student Unions, as our leader is doing, trying to get hate crime charges applied for the burning of churches, or any other activism, with a political party backing you, success is not necessary. Doing popular political activism forces these people to choose between power and legitimacy, and either furthers our goals as a political party of becoming more popular, and more electorally viable.

As for what you can do, join our forums, head on over to our elections page, follow us on social media, and join the party.